
As a moment of reflection, an envoi comes at the end of a poem as a way to look back while facing forward. Using Paz's Envoi, Henrik Lefebvre dedicates The Production Of Space to spaces imagined and experienced. And in doing so, he directs the reader's attention to consider the coexistence of the real and the poetic space; of the space between the walls of Paz's prison, between page turns, and between the image of the book and the reader's eyes. In my Envoi, I connect imagistic frames through musical gestures in defining the space between tuning, between one note to the next, and between us (audience, performers, and composer).


Imprisoned by four walls (to the North, the crystal of non-knowledge a landscape to be invented to the South, reflective memory to the East, the mirror to the West, stone and the song of silence) I wrote messages, but received no reply.  --Octavio Paz